Lifestyle Lifestyle: To all the Veterans that have served, we Salute you! November 11, 2013 By Catcher in the Style A big salute to all the men and women that served in our armed forces. Happy Veterans Day! colors dont fadeFashionflaghonorlana del raylovemarinenavyprotect servestyletrendsusmcveterans day share
Health/ Wellness Yummy Fruit Infused Water Flow like water… Refreshing and easy to do, fruit infused water is not only for lavish day spa By Catcher in the Style
Fashion, Lifestyle Fashion: Keeping the Focus With the Eye of the Tiger Risin’ up, back on the street Did my time, took my chances Went the distance Now I’m bac By Catcher in the Style
Beauty, Lifestyle Makeup Tip Monday: Emily Ratajkowski Emily Ratajkowski hands down is one of our favorite models. I had the pleasure of meeting her with s By Catcher in the Style