
Bethy, Kristin and I went on a journey to find you the most beautiful flowers for spring. The road less traveled took us to this glorious flower farm. http://www.theflowerfields.com/. Actually we totally just got in our cars and drove there! Hahhaaa! Hope you love it!


Kristin and I heart you all! <3


I’ve been getting quite a few compliments on my favorite shorts. Below, I posted who makes them and where you can buy them. You are welcome!

bethy flower

My bestie Bethy is such a pretty flower! 🙂


I love this picture Bethy took of Kristin. The feather earring, scarf, glasses and top are so perfect together! I’m taking notes. 🙂


I love Beth’s outfit. For spring/summer 2013, I’m totally stealing this high waist skirt and tank top look. <3


Yup! Flowers on flowers 😉


Peace out from the flower farm!

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Just really stoked to be here ladies and gents!

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My lovely shorts are made by Lost Clothing for Her.


Find them at: http://catalystshop.com/