Big ass tree….. Check!
Bucket List Ideas!!
Make a bucket list to remind yourself of things you’d like to do in life! I have one rule I live by, save your money and go somewhere new every year. Even if it’s just a road trip to a different town. Just find a new adventure. Go see what people are doing somewhere else. You may just learn some new things! Or, keep it simple learn how to play an instrument. Whatever it might be, just get out and do it! These are just some things off my bucket list! Yup, I made a blog post about making a bucket list….. Check! Have fun getting inspired to make your bucket list for 2014! Haha! <3

Go Sailing…… Check

Washington DC…. Check!

Dress up to comic con…… Check!

Meet an Icon….. Check!

Take up photography …..check

Find a Castle ……Check!

See an east coast sunrise and a west coast sunset in the same day…… Check!

Be a fan…… Check!

Try paddle boarding…..check!

Go surfing…… Check!

Be wild with your friends at concerts…… Check!

Go to Coachella! KVB shot

Play in flower fields with your best friend….. Check!

Be photographed……. Check!

Dress alike!

Get inspired! ……..Check

Dance the night away…..Check!

Take advice from tea…..Check!

Huh…. Hang with an Elephant…..Check!

Read a comic…..Check!

Dress like an Olsen Twin

Go to Disneyland….. Check!

Skeet shoot with friends….Check!


Play with a lion….Check!

Take a picture with a camel while having a camel toe…..check!

Hold on to 1 World Trade in NYC….Check!

Visit Ben and Jerry’s….check!

Climb to the top…… Check! hahaha!

Travel to San Fran…. Check!

Watch Thriller….Check!

Go to a music Festival….. Check!

Sleep in an airport ……Check!

Go to Japan and party with the locals…. Check!

Learn to drive a motorhome…..Check!

Go to the World Cup of Soccer!!…Check!

Zip line…..Check!

Play music in a band…..Check!

Swim in the ocean in a dress…..Check!

Model…. Check!

Dress 80’s with your friends to a concert and act like you are the band…. Check!

Dress like a ninja in a store… Actually, I still need to do this one!

Go snowboarding! Check

Go to New York Fashion week……. Check!

Fall in Love! Check!

Go see live music…. Check!

Travel to Paris! Check!

Make a fun blog….Check!