Fashion: The Clash inspired Style

shoedazzle The clash

When you mentally absorb a book on band The Clash, what you get is a basic style guide to a better life. Not only were they one of the most iconic influential punk bands, they lead a revolution of rebels around the world. Dare to pull inspiration from this band my friends.

My look: Hudson Moto Pant//Shoedazzle Zipper Bootie//Lace top // Pearl Collar Necklace// Wool Hat//Tweet Jacket

Photo: Zane Peck

shoedazzle The clash

Here we found our own rebellious clash of sorts in style with this look. We pair denim Hudson Moto jeans, with an edgy ankle Shoedazzle Maddox bootie, a Pearl Collar Necklace, Lace top, a Wool Hat, and a  tweed jacket. The layering will be perfect to dress up or down any winter look.

shoedazzle The clash

shoedazzle The clash shoedazzle The clash

shoedazzle The clash shoedazzle The clash shoedazzle The clash shoedazzle The clash

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